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Series: Emanate - Educational Sessions Highlights

Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY2024)

Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY 2024), 04-07 November, 2024, Madrid, Spain

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About the Proceedings

The volume contains selected, peer-reviewed papers from the 15th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY 2024), 04-07 November, 2024, Madrid, Spain.

13 full papers were subjected to a double-blind review process and 7 full papers were accepted for publication. Conference focused on sharing the latest research in education, educational psychology, education & technology, education & AI, pedagogy, teacher education and so on.

The detailed programme of the conference is available at:



This volume has been sponsored by:

 Northern Cyprus Anti-Drug Commission, Northern Cyprus
 International Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapies Society (CBPis), Northern Cyprus



Education educational psychology education and technology education and AI pedagogy teacher education