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EHASS - Emanate - Highlights from the Drug Abuse and Addiction Studies Sessions

Author Guidelines

EHASS Author Guidelines

This section provides instructions for preparing manuscripts for submission to EHASS. Adherence to the EHASS' Ethics Policy for scientific publications is mandatory for all authors.

For questions regarding journal policies or special issues, contact the Editor-in-Chief: Professor Dr. Kultegin
Istanbul Kent University, Türkiye at kultegin.ogel@kent.edu.tr


Familiarize with the journal's Aims & Scope to ensure alignment with the series' themes.

Manuscripts should be submitted in English via https://ehass.manuscriptmanager.net/

Manuscript Elements
 Manuscripts should be divided into:

  • Title page (with author names and institutions)*
  • Main text (anonymized)*
  • Supplementary materials (if applicable)
  • Figure
  • Image
  • Cover letter

The main text file should be formatted using the EHASS template. Non-compliant manuscripts concerning font, size, spacing, margins, figure formats, citations, and reference style will be sent back for corrections.

Title Page Details In order:

  • Paper's title
  • Author's full name (first, middle initial(s), last)
  • Author's affiliation
  • Author notes
  • Conflict of Interest statement
  • Acknowledgments

Please refer to the Authorship Policy under the Ethics and Editorial Policies section.

Conflict of Interest Statement
Include a Conflict of Interest statement, even if none exist, on the Title Page. For guidance, consult the Ethics and Editorial Policies section.

List any financial or material support and individual contributions. Remember to mention funding sources, using the CrossRef’s Open Funder Registry as a guide.

Main Text File 
Ensure the main text is formatted according to the EHASS template. The Manuscript Submission Guide for Proceedings Authors provides additional guidance.

  • Title: A concise title, preferably under 12 words.
  • Abstract: A 150-250 word summary detailing the study's objectives, methods, and significant results. Do not include citations.
  • Keywords: List 3-5 relevant terms or acronyms.
  • Main Text: EHASS accepts only English submissions. Non-native English authors are encouraged to seek proofreading from native speakers or editing services. Poorly written manuscripts risk rejection.


  • Double-spaced
  • 10 point Times New Roman
  • Embed tables and figures
  • Tables: Conform to the American Psychological Association's Publication Manual (Seventh Edition, 2020). Remember to:
  • Number tables consecutively using Arabic numerals.
  • Cite each table in the text (e.g., see Table 1).
  • Limit use of color or shading.
  • Utilize superscript letters for table footnotes (a, b, c).
  • Define table abbreviations or notes (e.g., "Note: SD means Standard deviation. Significant at the 0.01 level.")
  • Figures:
  • Embed in high resolution.
  • Color figures (online) are free.
  • Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals.
  • Cite each figure in the text.
  • Use lowercase letters to label figure parts (a, b, c).
  • Figure & Line Art Formats:
  • Preferably in TIFF or EPS format.
  • Image resolution: at least 300 dpi.
  • Line art resolution: at least 600 dpi.

Permissions: Authors must acquire permissions for copyrighted materials in their manuscript. Ensure every table and figure:

  • Is numbered.
  • Has a title.
  • Is cited in the text.

If replicating tables or figures from another source, obtain copyright permission. Those without this permission are assumed to be the author's original work.

In-text Citations and References

References should be prepared following the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020). Please heed the following essential points:

  • All works cited must be listed both within the text and in the reference list.
  • Consistency in spelling and date should be maintained between in-text citations and reference list entries.
  • Ensure the literature cited is current; ideally, two-thirds of the references should be from the last five years relative to the manuscript's submission date.
  • Original research papers and reviews should cite a minimum of 15 references. For other types of submissions, the count might vary based on content needs.
  • Avoid numbering the references.
  • Always include DOIs for each reference when available.

For a comprehensive understanding of the APA referencing style, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020). The examples below provide clarity on various types of references:

Entire Book (Online version)

McNamara, P. (2019). The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316817094

Foreign Language Book

Sokolov, A. K. (2001). NEP v kontekste istoricheskogo razvitiya Rossii XX veka Redkol [New Economic Policy during the Historical Development of Russia in the Twentieth Centuries]. In-t ros. Istorii.

Chapter in an Edited Book

De Visser, R. (2019). Gender and Health. In C. Llewellyn et al. (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine (pp. 20-23). Cambridge University Press.

Journal Article (Online version)

Bogel, P. M., & Upham, P. (2018). Role of psychology in sociotechnical transitions studies: Review in relation to consumption and technology acceptance. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 28, 122-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2018.01.002

Foreign Language Journal Article

Kalenda, J., & Kočvarová, I. (2017). Proměny bariér ke vzdělávání dospělyých v České republice: 2005-2015 [Transformation of Barriers towards Adult Education in the Czech Republic]. Studia Paedagogica, 22(3), 69–89. https://doi.org/10.5817/SP2017-3-5


Giles, G., & Szalay, E. (2020, August 31). Global economy unlikely to benefit from falling dollar. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/83c16626-f617-4bb3-872e-fd6723a36c11

Supplementary Files

Alongside their manuscripts, authors may submit supplementary files. While these won't be incorporated into the manuscript's PDF, they will be accessible as separate files upon the article's publication. These files will not be subjected to copy-editing or proofreading during the review process. Authors are responsible for the language quality and ensuring no identifiable information is contained within them. The files should be uploaded separately during manuscript submission.


Appendices are to be positioned after the references and should be appropriately cited in the main text. However, they should be provided as individual files during manuscript submission.

Ethics and Editorial Policies

Plagiarism and Duplicate Publication

It's imperative for authors to verify their manuscripts for plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism before submission. In instances where applicable, proper permission from other publishers must be secured. The EHASS deploys Similarity Check, a CrossRef service fueled by iThenticate software, to identify any plagiarism or duplicate content in manuscripts.

Further details on ethical policy, originality, and referencing can be found here.


Recognizing the original work is essential. Manuscripts should predominantly reflect the author's original efforts. If any part of the work or ideas from others is incorporated, it must be duly cited or quoted.

If authors are using images, figures, models, or other significant content where copyright is held by the original publisher, they are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions.

Fabrication and Falsification

Fabrication entails the intentional distortion of research processes, data, and results, aiming to deceive the readers.

Falsification represents the act of presenting distorted or omitted research processes, data, or results with a deceptive intent. Tweaking original images, models, concepts, and data, passing them off as original or providing misleading interpretations is classified under falsification.

Breaches in the authenticity of research and its representation lead to manuscript rejection. Any evidence of plagiarism, duplicate publication, fabrication, or falsification found during the review process results in manuscript rejection. The volume editor will then inform the corresponding author, associated institutions, and/or funders of the circumstances. Such actions align with EHASS' staunch stance against ethical violations. If a compromised manuscript has already been published, a subsequent issue will carry a retraction and an apology from the editor.

Manuscripts sourced from manuscript mills will be rejected either before or during the peer review process.

Guidance for actions like article withdrawal, retraction, replacement, and corrections come from policies defined in the Committee on Publication Ethics (2019).

Research Involving Human & Animal Subjects

For studies involving human or live animal subjects, an ethical statement is mandatory during manuscript submission.

Human subjects: Authors should have the endorsement of the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee. The study should conform to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Documented approval, showcasing the project identification code, date, and affiliation of the ethics committee, should be attached as supplemental material. This information can alternatively be included in the Research Methods section with a suitable statement. Authors are responsible for ensuring the comprehensiveness of ethical research and publication protocols from their institutions, safeguarding against any claims post-publication. EHASS and the volume editor aren't liable for any post-publication claims, which will be directed to the corresponding author.

Clinical trials-based research: Authors should meet international standards for clinical trial registration and presentation (e.g., CONSORT, CARE, STROBE, SPIRIT).

Participant Consent

EHASS is committed to the ICMJE guidelines on ensuring the rights and privacy of research participants. All participants' right to privacy must not be violated without proper consent.

Written informed consent to use data, which may contain participants' images, must be secured either from the participants or their guardians/parents. Authors are obligated to adhere to these guidelines and show proof of documented informed consent if requested by the editors.

While it's not necessary to send consent forms during the submission process, they should be available upon request by editors either during the review process or post-publication. Furthermore, any details that might identify participants, such as names, initials, or other identifying information, should be excluded. Authors should ensure that descriptions aren't derogatory or demeaning.

If images are anonymized to the point where identification is impossible (like x-rays or ultrasound images), consent is not necessary.

Data Availability

Authors must have their supporting research data available for editorial review when needed. We recommend authors store their research data in public, well-known repositories such as Figshare or Dryad Digital Repository.

Peer Review Process

EHASS publishes manuscripts after a rigorous review by a minimum of two referees through either a single-blind or double-blind process. The choice of review process is left to the discretion of the organizers/volume editors.

By signing our publishing agreement, organizers/volume editors agree to abide by EHASS' Ethical Policy and Peer Review Policy. They can utilize any manuscript management system for reviewing submissions but should uphold global peer review standards in line with EHASS’ Ethical Policy. The review process is managed by the respective conference’s programme committee and, if necessary, external reviewers chosen by the organizers/volume editors. EHASS can request peer review reports when necessary.

Details on the organizing/programme committee and reviewers are in the Frontmatter of each Proceedings. For the EHASS' peer review policy, please refer here.

Author Responsibilities and Authorship

When submitting to EHASS, all named authors must confirm their approval of the manuscript and accept accountability for its content. Author credits should reflect:

  1. Significant contributions to the research conception, design, data collection, or analysis and interpretation.
  2. Drafting or critical revision of the content.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.

To be credited as an author, individuals should meet the above three criteria. Those who do not meet these criteria but played a role in the research should be recognized in the Acknowledgments section.

For multicenter studies, authors should fulfill the aforementioned authorship criteria, disclose conflicts of interest, and sign a copyright transfer form. A detailed breakdown of each author's contribution is required in the cover letter sent with the manuscript.

It's beneficial for authors to specify their individual contributions in the cover letter. A standardized system such as CRediT for delineating contributions is also encouraged.

Further Author Responsibilities

Authors must:

  • Submit original works and properly cite and quote others.
  • Disclose if the research received funding.
  • Identify research support sources in the manuscript's Acknowledgments.
  • Guarantee submissions are free from plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.
  • Update editors on related manuscripts being considered by other publishers.
  • Share data and research methods upon request.
  • Correct or retract errors in the work promptly.
  • Submit a signed copyright form, ensuring the manuscript is original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere.

Corresponding Author Responsibilities

The corresponding author should:

  • Accurately provide affiliation and contact details for all co-authors.
  • Ensure all co-authors agree with and are responsible for the submitted manuscript.
  • Address post-publication queries or complaints.

Changes in Authorship

For changes in the author list after submission, contact the editorial office at admissions@emanate.education with a justification. All co-authors must approve of any changes.

Conflicts of Interest

EHASS' conflict of interest policy is rooted in ensuring that authors are not influenced to compromise their research for external entities. Personal biases shouldn't impact the research process either. Authors should be transparent about potential conflicts of interest in adherence to EHASS’ ethical policy.

If no conflict exists, a statement clarifying this should be placed after the Acknowledgments or before the References in the manuscript. If a double-blind review is used, full disclosures should be made on the title/cover page.

Not declaring conflicts can result in manuscript rejection. Conflicts identified post-submission should be communicated immediately to the volume editors and EHASS editorial office at admissions@emanate.education.

Decision Appeals

Complaints should be related to the manuscript, author(s), reviewer(s), editor(s), or publisher. Direct any potential conflicts of interest to the volume editor, who is responsible for resolving the complaint. The editorial board's decision is final.

Additional Information for Authors

  • Copyright Form & Conflict of Interest Disclaimer: This form is available here. The corresponding author should submit this form with the manuscript to the organizers/volume editors.

  • Contact Author Information: Email addresses are mandatory for corresponding authors and optional for co-authors. All authors providing email addresses will receive notifications regarding their proceedings.

  • Open Access and Licensing: EHASS is devoted to Open Access publishing, promoting swift progress in research. All articles in the EPH digital library are "Gold Open Access" with a CC BY-NC-ND license, ensuring free and unrestricted access. The publication fee details are provided by the conference organizers, and no extra costs are incurred by the authors.

  • Online Publication of Manuscripts: Post online publication of a Proceedings, all articles will be accessible in various formats, including PDF, XML, and HTML. Changes post this stage are not permitted. Each proceedings issue is allocated an ISBN, while every article gets a DOI for individual citation.

For EHASS’ correction and retraction policy, see here.

For information on our digital archiving and sharing policy, check here.

Book and Conference Proceedings Titles

Effective Drug Control Strategies in Northern Cyprus: Challenges and Opportunities in 2024

Proceedings of the Panel on "Effective Drug Control Strategies in Northern Cyprus: Challenges and Opportunities in 2024", 15-17 April 2024, Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus

Kültegin Ögel

Series: Emanate - Highlights from the Drug Abuse and Addiction Studies Sessions

Volume: 1

Pages: 1 - 114

Publisher: Emanate Publishing House Ltd.

Published: 23 July 2024

No books in this series yet.
